Comte Etienne de Beaumont , connu pour ses grand bals masqués dans les années 20-25

The Count Etienne de Beaumont, a wealthy descendant of one of the great families of France, was both a ballet set designer, costumes and jewelery, a painter, an accomplished socialite, known for its masked balls and a generous patron, especially for the Ballets Russes of Serge Diaghilev, passionate contemporary arts.

On May 17, 1924, he inaugurated the ‘Soirees de Paris’ Théâtre de la Cigale in Montmartre. They only last a year, combining music hall performances, ballet, poetry and theater, with the participation of artists as diverse as Jean Cocteau, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Erik Satie and Darius Milhaud. With his wife Edith, Étienne de Beaumont Comandita films and avant-garde ballets, and after the war, founded the « Franco-American Association ‘who financed many important exhibitions. Paul Morand, Maurice Sachs, Jean Cocteau, Marc Allégret Bernard Faÿ, Leonide Massine, Lucien Daudet, René Crevel described the extraordinary personality of the Comte de Beaumont; it is also the model of the main character of the second novel by Raymond Radiguet, The Ball of Count Orgel. imec

anomyme, Suit designed by the famous designer Conte Etiene Beaumont, known for its grand masked balls in the years 20-25

Anomyme, Suit designed by the famous designer Comte Etienne de Beaumont, known for its grand masked balls in the years 20-25

anomyme, Costume designed and worn by the famous designer Conte Etiene Beaumont, known for its grand masked balls in the years 20-25

anomyme, Costume designed and worn by the famous designer Conte Etiene Beaumont, known for its grand masked balls in the years 20-25

Etienne de Beaumont and his wife dressed in costumes created by himself (Baroque Dance), 1920s

Etienne de Beaumont and his wife dressed in costumes created by himself (Baroque Dance), 1920s

anomyme, Costume designed and worn by the famous designer Conte Etiene Beaumont, known for its grand masked balls in the years 20-25

anomyme, Costume designed and worn by the famous designer Conte Etiene Beaumont, known for its grand masked balls in the years 20-25

Some example could wear costumes that participants Beaumont balls created by the greatest designers of the time.

Man Ray- Mrs. Errazuriz, Picasso and Olga (his wife) to the ball of Beaumont Count 1924

Man Ray- Mrs. Errazuriz, Picasso and Olga (his wife) to the ball of Beaumont Count 1924

Man Ray- Picasso his wife Olgaet two unidentified persons at a ball of Count Etienne de Beaumont, 1924

Man Ray, Ricardo Viñes, Olga Picasso, Picasso and painter Manolo Ortiz Angeles to a ball of Count Etienne de Beaumont, 1924

Man Ray - Gerald Murphy and his wife, Sara, dressed for a ball of Count Etienne de Beaumont, Montparnasse in 1922

Man Ray – Gerald Murphy and his wife, Sara, dressed for a ball of Count Etienne de Beaumont, Montparnasse in 1924

Man Ray - Gerald Murphy A ball of Count Etienne de Beaumont, Montparnasse in 1922

Man Ray – Gerald Murphy A ball of Count Etienne de Beaumont, Montparnasse in 1924

Man Ray – unidentified person at the ball of Beaumont, 1924

Man Ray unidentified person at the ball of Beaumont, 1924

 Tzara and Man Ray Nancy Cunard at the ball of Beaumont Count 1924

Tzara and Man Ray Nancy Cunard at the ball of Beaumont Count 1924

Man Ray – Unidentified Persons to the ball of Beaumont in 1924

-The Man Ray Viscountess of Noailles the Ball Count E. de Beaumont, 1928